Fan Servers

Our community is home to many fun fan servers and community Minecraft worlds! Currently we have three public Minecraft servers, Whisper Craft, The Plotworld & Piglandia! All are free to join to anyone willing to apply via our Discord server:)

We also have a Patron Minecraft server, Derptopia (Bedrock)! If you would like to join Derptopia you can learn more here or on PatreonOur other Patron server Piglandia(old) has closed down, but has been replaced with the new public server (also called Piglandia, its a good name)

If you would like to support the creation of future fan servers, and the running of current fan servers, consider checking the Support page!

All our fan servers use the most recent version of Minecraft!

Whisper Craft

Public, Survival, Bedrock

All of our fan servers are proudly hosted by Nodecraft! Nodecraft allows you to host 30+ games per server, and swap between them seamlessly! Nodecraft servers are extremely easy to setup, and they have amazing customer support! Save 30% on your first month by using my link:)



Patron, Survival, Bedrock

Plot World

Public, Creative, Crossplay


Public, Survival, Crossplay